We believe in securely connecting everything by enabling users to build private networks within the internet that only they can see. We provide zero trust IT/OT network connectivity as a service.
Simply put, we enable management of your remote devices by supporting connections, script execution, and access control
Remote.it provides several applications which vary on functionality and package size. Choose the one right for you.
It is recommended that you use one of the methods below to instantly add or remove access for individuals, rather than sharing a user login to keep your remote.it accounts secure. Learn more about managing access
At a high level, organizations allow you to give access to users to all of your Remote.It Devices that exist now and in the future. This access can be limited to specific services, all Remote.It Services of the Devices within the organization. You can also have delegated management of your organization such as allowing users to manage devices, tags, and user access and roles. Organizations are available for use in the portal, desktop and mobile applications. Learn more.
With sharing, you control precisely which Remote.It Devices and/or Remote.It Services are shared and can be accessed to run scripts. Sharing is controlled individually on Devices and if desired for individual Services. For example, you may want to share the entire Device (all Services) to Mary and only allow Bob access to the HTTP service on the same Device. You have the control. Learn more.
Get in-app notifications when your devices come online and offline, have connections started and ended. You can also sign up for email notifications or use our webhook integration.
We also provide logs of the activities on the account including sign in, sharing, device online/offline, and connections. Available history is variable based on subscription with 7 days for personal plan and 30 days for professional.
Remote.It offers a graphQL API which supports flexible queries to retrieve and update the information you want and nothing else. Check out our github repository for Insomnia collections of example queries.
Remote.It provides a mechanism to push script files and execute them on selected devices. This takes the place of repetitive actions you may be doing on each device. Support is available for Linux based OS. Learn more.
Need to install Remote.It on many devices with the same hardware and software profile? You can create as many images as you need for different hardware and OS combinations that you need. We have a couple of methods to fit your needs. Get started here
Remote.It uses encrypted tunnels to establish Peer to Peer connections between devices which is in addition to the encryption of the service protocol. This is a zero trust connection with authentication and authorization between users and devices with connections supported at Layer 3 of the OSI model.
The Remote.It principles of security follow the recognized security principles of “AIC” or Availability, Integrity, and Confidentiality. One of the most important features of the Remote.It system is the complete elimination of open ports.