Remote.It Technology

How Remote.It makes secure connections to devices and services


Remote.It software is installed on both the target and initiator. There are different agents available for various operating systems and use cases which can be as small as ~500KB.  If the agent can't be installed on the target or initiator, see alternative Types of Connections. The most common deployment uses the Remote.It desktop application installed on the initiator device.
Remote.It connection components Initiator Target Cloud

Remote.It Cloud

SaaS service enable remote connectivity. Hosted in AWS datacenters around the world.


Shared services for other Remote.It enabled devices to connect to. Targets granular share individual services to users.


Authorized initiators will access remote device.

How are remote connections made?


Periodically communicate location information to Remote.It Cloud

Remote.It P2P Connection step 1
UDP packets are sent about every 2 minutes to create and maintain the NAT table.

Communicate connection intention from the initiator via Remote.It Cloud

Remote.It Connection P2P Step 2
Initiator communicated authentication and intention to connect to a target.

Send UDP packets from target to initiator

Remote.It P2P Connection step 3
Gateway B is ready to pass the response from gateway A

Establish a P2P tunnel from the initiator to the target

Remote.It Peer to Peer (P2p) tunnel from the source to the target
Packet transmission is disguised as the response of communication from the target. Achieves P2P connection without opening ports on either side.

Types of Connections

Peer to Peer (P2P) Connections are preferred for security and peformance reasons, but alternatives connection types are available to support various use cases.
P2P Connection

Direct connection between initiator and target

Remote.It Connection Types P2P peer to peer
Proxy Connection

Connect via proxy server in Remote.It Cloud

Remote.It connection type - proxy
Bastion Host (Jump Target)

Transferring communication to another device on the same network as the target

Remote.It connection type bastion host jump box server
LAN Sharing

Allow access from another device on the same network as the initiator

Remote.It connection type LAN sharing

How do local applications connect to remote devices and services?

After registering target devices and adding services, users can share those devices and services with other users, devices, or applications. Each shared service will create a unique local URL for remote applications to use.

Users can see their devices and any devices shared with them from the desktop app or web portal. For example a VPC within AWS has been registered and 5 services have been shared. For a Remote.It enabled initiator device, the Remote.It user enters the RDP URL into their RDP application.  Similar unique local URLs are provided for other services.

What is Remote.It for developers

Remote.It AWS Developers can access any resource

What makes Remote.It unique?

The core Remote.It daemon is about 500KB of code that gets added to the networking stack. The device is now able to communicate with Remote.It Cloud and provide location and access route information. Remote.It is providing a DNS-like service for devices. As devices move or network configuration change, the Remote.It Cloud information is automatically updated. No application changes are required since the application thinks the resources are local. Remote.It has over 15 registered patents.
Remote.It IP secret sauce OSI model insertion


We believe these are what make our product so enduring and well-loved.
Users must have a Remote.It account
To maintain connection between the Target and Remote.It Cloud, the target will send outbound UDP traffic on ports 5959 through 5970
Remote.It releases multiple clients. Connectivity differences are summarized below. Other functional differences do apply and should be reviewed in our documentation [link]. The REST API and connectd daemon are for users to embed Remote.It functionality into their products.
Target Feature
Target Connections
Desktop Application
Web Browser
Mobile Applications
Android Only
Device Package
Initiator Feature
Proxy Connections
P2P Connections
Desktop Application
Web Browser
Mobile Applications
Android Only
Device Package