We believe in securely connecting everything by enabling users to build private networks within the internet that only they can see. We provide zero trust IT/OT networking as a service.
Australasia-based Karit is a technology supplier that builds virtual power plants that harness energy through a network of solar panels connected to its cloud-based Virtual Power Plant platform and its Karit Cake EnergyManagement Device. Through its virtual private internet solution, Karitis able to remotely monitor, update, triage and resolve software issues throughout its network to ensure their products are always operating at maximum efficiency.
Karit was in the planning stages of what would eventually become itsVirtual Power Plant product. Karit has proprietary software that resides on each of its energy management devices and its cloud-based VirtualPower Plant platform is also proprietary. Company executives knew they needed a robust wireless communications network that could provide secure communication capabilities to its remote solar power cells and batteries.
Karit has been using remote.it’s VPI solution platform since 2018 to provide remote maintenance and update support for its solar panel and battery network. Karit needed a secure internet solution that could scaleu p to its growing number of solar cell sites. In the very near future Karit is expected to increase its footprint to hundreds of connected energy sites.As the network continues to grow, Karit will need to quickly communicate with devices that require management due to performance issues so that customer sites remain online and available to the markets they serve.
Karit’s Virtual Power Plant allowsbusinesses and communities togenerate their own renewableelectricity (predominantly throughsolar panels and batteries) and shareit amongst themselves, while sellingany surplus energy back to theircountry’s national grid. Karit workswith a variety of customers includinglarge commercial and industrialcompanies, energy retailers, and microand community grids throughoutAustralia and New Zealand.
A typical customer is an energyretailer/generator that wants to add avirtual power plant to the generationmix or a large multi-site commercialor industrial business that wants toaccess the benefits of distributedenergy assets like solar panels andenergy storage across their portfolioof energy connections.
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