
Microservices without IT networking

February 3, 2024

Microservices have become a popular architectural style for building modern applications. By breaking an application down into smaller, loosely coupled services, organizations can realize numerous benefits such as increased scalability and faster development cycles. However, implementing a microservices infrastructure often requires significant IT networking setup, which can pose challenges for organizations with limited resources and expertise.

Traditional networking painpoints

In a traditional networking setup, organizations typically rely on physical infrastructure, such as routers, switches, and firewalls, to connect their services and allow them to communicate with each other. While this approach has been effective in the past, it often comes with several pain points:


Setting up and maintaining a traditional networking infrastructure can be complex and time-consuming. It requires expertise in network configuration and management, which may not be readily available within the organization.

For organizations that lack in-house networking expertise, the complexity of setting up and maintaining a traditional networking infrastructure can be overwhelming. It often involves intricate configurations and troubleshooting, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Additionally, as technology evolves, new protocols and standards emerge, further adding to the complexity of managing a traditional network.

Furthermore, the complexity of traditional networking extends beyond the initial setup. Ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting require skilled network administrators who can diagnose and resolve issues efficiently. This complexity can lead to delays in resolving network problems, impacting the overall productivity of the organization.


Physical networking equipment can be expensive to purchase and maintain. Additionally, organizations may need to invest in specialized IT personnel to handle the networking tasks.

One of the significant pain points of traditional networking is the cost associated with purchasing and maintaining physical networking equipment. Routers, switches, and firewalls can be expensive, especially for organizations with large-scale networking requirements. The upfront investment in hardware can strain the organization's budget. 

Moreover, the cost of networking equipment doesn't end with the initial purchase. Organizations also need to consider ongoing maintenance and upgrades to keep up with the evolving networking landscape. This requires specialized IT personnel who are skilled in network administration, further adding to the cost. 

Additionally, organizations may need to allocate resources for training and certifications to ensure their IT staff has the necessary skills to manage and troubleshoot the networking infrastructure effectively. All these costs can significantly impact the organization's financial resources.


Scaling a traditional networking infrastructure can be challenging. As the number of microservices grows, organizations need to add more physical networking components, which can lead to increased complexity and cost.

As organizations grow and their networking requirements expand, scaling a traditional networking infrastructure can become a daunting task. Adding more physical networking components, such as routers and switches, to accommodate the increasing number of microservices can lead to a complex and convoluted network architecture.

Scaling a traditional network often involves significant planning and coordination to ensure seamless integration of new components with the existing infrastructure. It requires careful consideration of factors such as network capacity, bandwidth requirements, and traffic management. Failure to scale properly can result in network congestion, performance issues, and potential security vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the cost implications of scaling a traditional networking infrastructure cannot be ignored. Adding more physical networking equipment not only increases complexity but also incurs additional expenses for purchasing, configuring, and maintaining the new components.

Zero Trust Networking with Remote.It

Fortunately, alternative solutions allow organizations to build a microservices infrastructure without the need for extensive IT networking setup. One such solution is Remote.It, a zero trust networking platform that enables secure and seamless connectivity between microservices.

Remote.It takes a different approach to networking by utilizing software-defined networking (SDN) principles. It abstracts the underlying networking infrastructure, provides a secure overlay network for microservices communication, eliminates the need for physical networking equipment, and simplifies the setup and management process.

With Remote.It, organizations can securely connect their microservices regardless of their physical location or network configuration. It provides end-to-end encryption and fine-grained access control, ensuring that only authorized services can communicate with each other. Additionally, Remote.It offers scalability and flexibility, allowing organizations to add or remove microservices as needed easily.

One of the key advantages of Remote.It is its ability to provide a secure and seamless connectivity between microservices. By abstracting the underlying networking infrastructure, Remote.It creates a virtual network spanning different physical locations and network configurations. This means that organizations can connect their microservices regardless of whether they are hosted on-premises, in the cloud, or a hybrid environment.

Furthermore, Remote.It offers end-to-end encryption, ensuring all data transmitted between microservices is protected from unauthorized access. This is crucial in today's digital landscape, where data breaches and cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common. With Remote.It, organizations can have peace of mind knowing that their microservices communication is secure.

Another advantage of Remote.It is its fine-grained access control. Organizations can define specific access policies for each microservice, ensuring that only authorized services can communicate with each other. This helps prevent unauthorized access and reduces the risk of data leakage or malicious activities within the microservices infrastructure.

Scalability and flexibility are also key features of Remote.It. Organizations can easily add or remove microservices as needed without the need for complex networking setup or configuration changes. This allows organizations to adapt to changing business needs and scale their microservices infrastructure without hassle.

In conclusion, Remote.It is a zero trust networking platform that provides secure and seamless connectivity between microservices. By utilizing 

software-defined networking principles, Remote.It abstracts the underlying networking infrastructure and offers end-to-end encryption and fine-grained access control. With its scalability and flexibility, organizations can quickly build and manage their microservices infrastructure without requiring extensive IT networking setup. Remote.It is a valuable solution for organizations looking to embrace microservices architecture while ensuring the security and reliability of their network communication.

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