Case Study

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHIEC) remote monitoring

April 5, 2024

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Environmental & Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. has introduced as security software for remote monitoring systems to be installed in large-scale waste incineration power plants overseas.

We interviewed the following people who were involved in the introduction of the remote monitoring system.

  • Engineering General Department Construction Department Electrical Instrumentation Group Construction Technology Team Mr. Ono
  • Overseas Business Department Overseas Project Department Mr. Hoshino
  • Mr. Takikawa, Information Systems Group, General Affairs and Personnel Department, Administration Department
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Waste to Energy Business Unit Mr. Suzuki

Security assurance of remote monitoring system at overseas large-scale waste incinerator power plant

Problems before Remote.It

I want to introduce a remote monitoring system that can achieve both cost and security for stable plant operation and sound business operation.

Mr. Hoshino: We are working on highly automated operation of municipal waste incinerator power plants in Japan and overseas. Waste incinerators basically do not use fossil fuels and burn the waste itself. Unlike fossil fuels, the fuel waste has large variations in calories and properties, so we are trying to automate major processes by incorporating various feedback controls and feedforward controls for stable operation. We are pursuing labor saving, efficiency improvement and safe driving by further promoting the automation of this main process. Part of this is the "remote management system," which can be expected to contribute to driving support and business operations, such as analyzing the collected data and connecting it to the formulation of more accurate business plans.

(From the left) Hoshino, Ono-sama

When introducing the remote management system, we initially considered connecting via VPN, etc., but found that the cost burden such as equipment / equipment costs and service costs was large, and system setting and construction became complicated. Since it is a system that will be installed in plants that will be operated for more than 25 years, it is also important that the service can be operated stably for a long period of time. In order to realize highly profitable business operations over a long period of time, we were looking for security software that could be set quickly at low cost and was highly reliable.

Background of introduction

Learn about utilization results within the group from "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Technical Report" and start investigation and examination

Mr. Hoshino: The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group has a wide range of technological capabilities, so when I was searching for knowledge within the group, I was wondering if there were any hints, and I found that the group company MHI Power Engineering (formerly MHPS Engineering) ) Is a technical information magazine "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Technical Report"

Security technology for remote monitoring service systems using edge computers, And was used as a base technology to securely connect edge computers and external networks easily and inexpensively. At the same time, there was an introduction via the research institute saying, "I have this kind of technology, so why don't you use it?"

Evaluation of Remote.It

An order of magnitude cost, device-independent convenience, and generous backup support

Mr. Hoshino: First of all, in the case of, there is no need to draw a dedicated network line, so the cost digit is different. Another important point was that there was no need for a dedicated device or fixed IP address compared to a VPN.

From left) Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Takikawa

Mr. Takikawa: Since VPN communication such as tunneling is prohibited due to the rules of the company intranet, we have prepared a dedicated network each time for applications such as remote monitoring. As a result, the number of individual VPNs has increased locally, and dedicated terminals have been lined up in a row. Recently, we have devised such as setting up an instance on the cloud, but that costs money, and in the case of individual VPN, it is necessary to operate for each device. In that respect, was highly evaluated for its device-independent operation, speedy installation, and high management convenience.

Mr. Ono: I am grateful for the generous support of the engineers at I didn't have the know-how to build such a system, so I was able to think about the parts that I was confused about, and presented specific options.

Mr. Suzuki: I agree with the impression on the Singapore side. Since I used a LINUX PC that I had no experience with in this project, I sometimes called Mr. Takahama, a engineer, directly. It was only the first work to be done, but I was taught how to take steps and I was able to set it up safely. Also, I was relieved that Mr. Takahama, Ono, and myself worked together even when something went wrong or did not proceed as expected.

Introduction effect and future prospects

Realizes speedy and low-budget system construction. Expand to future overseas projects

Mr. Hoshino: Currently, connects Yokohama and Singapore. Thanks to the support of the project team and, we were able to build the system on schedule we originally envisioned, and the budget was surprisingly low. The project on the Singapore side is currently in trial run and is about to go into production.

In the future, following this Singapore project, we would like to aim to receive orders for PPP (Public Public, Private Private, Partnership Partnership) projects that include operations using a remote monitoring system.

Introducing companies

Company name: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Environmental & Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.

Industry: Comprehensive engineering and business management centered on environment and chemistry

Company size: Capital 1 billion yen (as of March 31, 2008), 572 employees (as of April 1, 2008)

Purpose / Issues: Ensuring the security of the remote monitoring system introduced at overseas large-scale waste incinerator plants

keyword: Singapore Large Waste Incinerator Plant, Remote Monitoring System

Introduction point: Low cost, high reliability, generous support

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