
Networking Tools for Software Developers

June 19, 2024

Welcome to Remote.It, where we provide cutting-edge tools to streamline and simplify network management for developers. Our solutions enhance your productivity and efficiency, enabling you to focus on innovation and delivering exceptional customer experiences. Explore our powerful Scripting API and BLE WiFi Onboarding Module to discover how to transform your device management and network onboarding processes.

Remote.It Scripting API: Command Your Fleet with a Single API Call

Our Scripting API leverages GraphQL to provide centralized control over your IoT devices. Execute configuration updates, software upgrades, and data capture effortlessly across your entire fleet. Say goodbye to manual SSH connections and embrace automation and scalability with Remote.It.

  • Centralized Control: Manage your entire fleet with a single command.
  • Flexibility: Target devices by type, version, or custom tags.
  • Integration: Enhance your applications with seamless API integration.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Gain insights with comprehensive script status and reporting.

Learn More about the Scripting API

Raspberry Pi BLE WiFi Onboarding Module: Simplify Network Connectivity

Our open-source BLE WiFi onboarding module is perfect for Raspberry Pi projects where pre-provisioning networking details could be more practical. Use the Remote.It app and a mobile device to enable on-site network onboarding quickly and efficiently.

  • Easy Integration: Quickly add network onboarding to your projects.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Use the Remote.It app for seamless setup.
  • Open Source: Join the community and contribute to continuous improvement.

Learn More about BLE WiFi Onboarding

Get Started with Remote.It

Be part of the vibrant community of developers who are transforming their network management and device connectivity with Remote.It. Explore our solutions, access detailed documentation, and start revolutionizing your projects today.

Join us and contribute to the continuous improvement of our tools, making them even more powerful and user-friendly.

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