We believe in securely connecting everything by enabling users to build private networks within the internet that only they can see. We provide zero trust IT/OT networking as a service.
We want our Customers to use our Remote.It Service to connect to their Devices and Endpoints as much as they want and our Fair Use Policy is meant to make sure our Customers have the best experience possible. There may be some Customers who have a large volume of Endpoints that they connect to either occasionally or multiple times each day. Excessive connections and usage may cause a significant load on our servers, adversely affecting the service quality for everyone.
We want to make sure everyone gets the optimal experience from their chosen Subscription Plan.
To make sure everything is running smoothly, we continuously monitor the number of Endpoints and Devices and the number of times connections occur to those Endpoints and Devices each month.
This Fair Use Policy is about the number of Devices and Endpoints you have on the Service, the number of connections to those Devices and Endpoints, and whether you are using the Service for Personal or Business purposes.
We are offering a very powerful set of features and services and it is our intent to keep these services cost-effective at all times. To do that, we need to ensure some Customers are not abusing the amount they use Remote.It because that excessive use can impact the quality of the Remote.It Service for all of our Customers.
Our Fair Use Policy manages inappropriate use and makes sure the service can be used fairly by everyone.
Under this policy, we have defined fair usage levels for Free and Paid Subscription Plan accounts.
The unfair usage levels are set above normal usage such that most customers will not be affected by the Fair Usage Policy.
On exceeding the fair usage level, you may be required to reduce the number of Devices, Endpoints, or API use in your Plan, and/or the number of connections you are making to those Devices.
These reductions will be necessary in order to maintain your account in good status. Your account will fall into a suspended or canceled status should you ignore our repeated requests to reduce overall usage.
You may be required to change your Plan to a Paid Subscription Plan to continue using the Service.
To help manage your usage, we may send an email (if you registered your correct email address on your account) notifying you that you are exceeding the levels of usage described below.
The Fair Use Policy is applicable to all Plans and to all Customers at all times.
While this Fair Use Policy applies to all our Customers, it will only actually affect you if you’re one of the very few Customers who make inappropriate use of our service.
You are unlikely to be affected by this Fair Use Policy if:
Each Customer may have
A Paid Subscription Plan is the standard licensing option for organizations and Business entities. A Paid Subscription Plan is purchased by the organization or Business and can be used by a single person referred to as Users or user, within the Business. Each user in the Business must have their own unique, licensed account on the Service.
This includes but is not limited to LLC’s, Inc.’s, partnerships, DBA’s, schools, non-profits, clubs, groups, teams, religious organizations, and other organized groups or legal entities.
A Free Subscription Plan is for private individuals who are granted a license when using a Free Plan, and is solely for their own personal use. A Free Subscription Plan may not be purchased, refunded or in any way financed by a Business. A Free Subscription Plan may only be used by a Business if the number of Devices is less than 5 and the Business is evaluating Remote.It prior to Commercial use. A Business or organization may use a Free Subscription Plan to test and evaluate, and for Proof Of Concepts that lead to commercial deployment.
Some Subscription Plans limit the number of devices that may be Shared to other users. A Free Plan and Professional Plan are limited to Sharing no more than any 5 Devices to other Remote.It Accounts.
Business Plans and Enterprise Plans can share as many Devices as required to any other Paid account. Business Plans and Enterprise Plans are limited to sharing 5 devices total to Personal Accounts.
API calls and device Connections are limited. API calls and increased Connection limits are included with Business and Enterprise Subscription Plans. The number of API calls and Device Connections are limited during each Subscription Period. Contact sales@remote.it for more information.
Any Account can have up to two concurrent sign-ins. An Account can not be shared with another user.
Under our Fair Use policy, and in the unlikely event that you exceed a fair amount of usage in your account, remot3.it may suspend or terminate your account. We will work with you and suggest remedies to ensure your account remains active and in good standing.
We may choose to limit the number of connections, devices, and/or services allowed in your account to conform to a level of fair usage.
We may require that additional Subscription Fees are added to your account
If you are in breach of this Fair Use Policy, remot3.it may contact you to discuss changing your usage and your Plans so that it conforms to this Fair Use Policy or may terminate your subscription.
We reserve the right to vary the terms of the Fair Use Policy from time to time without prior notice.
If your excessive or unreasonable use continues, remot3.it may, without further notice to you: